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Configuration file

2024-06-03 09:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Configuration file

On this page, you can learn about server settings, game balance settings, and other items that can be set with ini files.

Location of configuration file​

Configuration file should be located at the following location Note that the directories will only create once the server has been started.

Windows with SteamWindows with SteamCMDLinux with SteamCMD

Copy the default configuration file and use that.

Copy default settingsCopy-Item steamapps\common\PalServer\DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini steamapps\common\PalServer\Pal\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\PalWorldSettings.ini

Edit steamapps\common\PalServer\Pal\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\PalWorldSettings.ini to change settings.

Copy the default configuration file and use that.

Copy default settingsCopy-Item steamapps\common\PalServer\DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini steamapps\common\PalServer\Pal\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\PalWorldSettings.ini

Edit steamapps\common\PalServer\Pal\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\PalWorldSettings.ini to change settings.

Copy the default configuration file and use that.

Copy default settingscp steamapps/common/PalServer/DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini steamapps/common/PalServer/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.ini

Edit steamapps/common/PalServer/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.ini to change settings

Note that editing DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini will not affect the changes. Parameters​

The settings for each parameter are as follows. *Note that there are reserved for future updates and deprecated parameter.

ParameterDescriptionDayTimeSpeedRateDay time speedNightTimeSpeedRateNight time speedExpRateEXP ratePalCaptureRatePal capture ratePalSpawnNumRatePal Appearance Rate *Note: Affects game performancePalDamageRateAttackDamage from Pals MultiplierPalDamageRateDefenseDamage to Pals MultiplierPlayerDamageRateAttackDamage from Player MultiplierPlayerDamageRateDefenseDamage to Player MultiplierPlayerStomachDecreaceRatePlayer Hunger Depletion RatePlayerStaminaDecreaceRatePlayer Stamina Reduction RatePlayerAutoHPRegeneRatePlayer Auto Health Regeneration RatePlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleepPlayer Sleep Health Regeneration RatePalStomachDecreaceRatePal Hunger Depletion RatePalStaminaDecreaceRatePal Stamina Reduction RatePalAutoHPRegeneRatePal Auto Health Regeneration RatePalAutoHpRegeneRateInSleepPal Sleep Health Regeneration Rate (Health Regeneration Rate in Palbox)BuildObjectDamageRateDamage to Structure MultiplierBuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRateStructure Deterioration RateCollectionDropRateGatherable Items MultiplierCollectionObjectHpRateGatherable Objects Health MultiplierCollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRateGatherable Objects Respawn IntervalEnemyDropItemRateDropped Items MultiplierDeathPenaltyDeath PenaltyNone : No drops, Item : Drop all items except equipment, ItemAndEquipment : Drop all items, All : Drop all items and all Pals on teambEnableInvaderEnemyEnable InvaderGuildPlayerMaxNumMax Player Number of GuildsPalEggDefaultHatchingTimeTime (h) to incubate Massive Egg. Note: Other eggs also require time to incubate.ServerPlayerMaxNumMaximum number of players that can join the serverServerNameServer nameServerDescriptionServer descriptionAdminPasswordPassword used to obtain administrative privileges on the server.ServerPasswordPassword required for server loginPublicPortExplicitly specify the external public port in the community server configuration.(This setting does not change the server's listen port.)PublicIPExplicitly specify an external public IP in the community server settingsRCONEnabledEnable RCONRCONPortPort Number for RCONbShowPlayerListEnable player list when the press ESC keyBaseCampWorkerMaxNumMax pals per basecamp(MAX 20)RESTAPIEnabledEnable REST APIRESTAPIPortListen port for REST APIbIsUseBackupSaveDataEnable world backupDisk load will be increase when enabledLogFormatTypeLog format Text or JsonAllowConnectPlatform!!Doesn't work this version!! About bIsUseBackupSaveData​

Create backup directory in save data directory when enabled this parameter.

Backup interval is

5 save data per 30 sec 6 save data per 10 min 12 save data per 1 hour 7 save data per 1 day






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